Automotive Industry


Southern Ontario has been at the hub of automotive manufacturing in Canada for decades, particularly with the production of automobile and truck parts. This industry, along with its spin-offs of steel and aluminum, plastics, glass, etc. drives much of the Ontario economy.


The automotive industry is continually looking at innovation and improvements, and carry this philosophy into their manufacturing facilities. These tend to be kept to a high standard of maintenance and cleanliness; most plants we have worked in have adopted the 5-S standards to improve efficiency and effectiveness. (The term 5-S is from the Japanese Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke – which roughly translates into Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. Often Safety is considered as being implied, as doing these other functions does improve the operational safety of the plant.)

Maintenance of the manufacturing building is high on the priority list, and automotive plants tend to be kept up to high standards. Smaller maintenance painting projects are generally done on a regular basis throughout the year, while the larger projects like painting the metal deck ceilings and walls throughout the plant are scheduled for shutdown periods (which often means that we are working over the Christmas break – sometimes even on Christmas Day).


Automotive plants tend to be large facilities, very often over 100,000 square feet (the largest we have done was 950,000 square feet). Painting metal deck ceilings, walls and structural steel columns provides a challenge to be able to finish large areas in very short time spans.

It requires a knowledgeable, experienced and professional crew to be able to do this type of work without ahitch – delivered on time and with the plant able to start up production as if we had never been there. Typically, we are working around sensitive multi-million dollar robotics equipment, as well as millions of dollars worth of inventory, so a great deal of our time and effort in doing a job of this magnitude is in protecting the customer’s assets so the painting work can be done without any damage. Because there is a wide variation in plant conditions, a wide ranging selection of paint coatings is needed.

There are advantages and disadvantages to any paint system, and with two coatings inspectors trained by the National Association of Coating Engineers (NACE) on staff, we have the knowledge and experience to select the right coating system for your needs.

As an example, metal plating by its nature creates a highly acidic environment. Over the years, I have seen metal deck ceilings in plating plants rusted out and paint “melting” from the ceiling and walls as in the Salvatore Dali clock painting (which you can see here: Dali’s Persistence of Memory). These problems could have been prevented with a proper two-component polyamide epoxy system.


Painting in any sort of large building and around large equipment must be done safely, as we are typically working at heights, dealing with high voltage, and often hazardous materials. All of our personnel are trained on the new Ontario Working at Heights and licensed to operate boom and scissor lifts. They are also trained on the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and other safety protocols for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including, unfortunately at this time, for Covid-19.

Much of our work painting in the plant comes from the 5-S philosophy as above. Painting safety yellow on columns and guard rails, colour coding pipes (at one large, well-known automotive plant, we even colour coded pipes that were then wrapped with insulation), walkways and line markings on concrete floors, etc.


Years ago, the automotive industry would typically schedule maintenance and plant upgrades around two shutdown periods throughout the year – one in July and the other over the Christmas period. With just-in-time delivery being the norm these days, halting production for any length of time is becoming more and more difficult. “Shut-downs” are now often “slow-downs”.

We understand the importance of maintaining plant production for your customers, and have become rather expert at coordinating our painting work around this production. Of necessity, much of our work is done on weekends. Certainly plant shut-downs give us the opportunity to do very large projects in short periods of time, even if it is just a “slow-down”.

One caveat … the Christmas shut-down period is typically our busiest time in the entire year. If you are looking to do any work over this time frame, we advise you to book early

Southern Ontario has been at the hub of automotive manufacturing in Canada for decades, particularly with the production of automobile and truck parts. This industry, along with its spin-offs of steel and aluminum, plastics, glass, etc. drives much of the Ontario economy.


The automotive industry is continually looking at innovation and improvements, and carry this philosophy into their manufacturing facilities. These tend to be kept to a high standard of maintenance and cleanliness; most plants we have worked in have adopted the 5-S standards to improve efficiency and effectiveness. (The term 5-S is from the Japanese Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke – which roughly translates into Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. Often Safety is considered as being implied, as doing these other functions does improve the operational safety of the plant.)

Maintenance of the manufacturing building is high on the priority list, and automotive plants tend to be kept up to high standards. Smaller maintenance painting projects are generally done on a regular basis throughout the year, while the larger projects like painting the metal deck ceilings and walls throughout the plant are scheduled for shutdown periods (which often means that we are working over the Christmas break – sometimes even on Christmas Day).


Automotive plants tend to be large facilities, very often over 100,000 square feet (the largest we have done was 950,000 square feet). Painting metal deck ceilings, walls and structural steel columns provides a challenge to be able to finish large areas in very short time spans.

It requires a knowledgeable, experienced and professional crew to be able to do this type of work without ahitch – delivered on time and with the plant able to start up production as if we had never been there. Typically, we are working around sensitive multi-million dollar robotics equipment, as well as millions of dollars worth of inventory, so a great deal of our time and effort in doing a job of this magnitude is in protecting the customer’s assets so the painting work can be done without any damage. Because there is a wide variation in plant conditions, a wide ranging selection of paint coatings is needed.

There are advantages and disadvantages to any paint system, and with two coatings inspectors trained by the National Association of Coating Engineers (NACE) on staff, we have the knowledge and experience to select the right coating system for your needs.

As an example, metal plating by its nature creates a highly acidic environment. Over the years, I have seen metal deck ceilings in plating plants rusted out and paint “melting” from the ceiling and walls as in the Salvatore Dali clock painting (which you can see here: Dali’s Persistence of Memory). These problems could have been prevented with a proper two-component polyamide epoxy system.


Painting in any sort of large building and around large equipment must be done safely, as we are typically working at heights, dealing with high voltage, and often hazardous materials. All of our personnel are trained on the new Ontario Working at Heights and licensed to operate boom and scissor lifts. They are also trained on the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and other safety protocols for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including, unfortunately at this time, for Covid-19.

Much of our work painting in the plant comes from the 5-S philosophy as above. Painting safety yellow on columns and guard rails, colour coding pipes (at one large, well-known automotive plant, we even colour coded pipes that were then wrapped with insulation), walkways and line markings on concrete floors, etc.


Years ago, the automotive industry would typically schedule maintenance and plant upgrades around two shutdown periods throughout the year – one in July and the other over the Christmas period. With just-in-time delivery being the norm these days, halting production for any length of time is becoming more and more difficult. “Shut-downs” are now often “slow-downs”.

We understand the importance of maintaining plant production for your customers, and have become rather expert at coordinating our painting work around this production. Of necessity, much of our work is done on weekends. Certainly plant shut-downs give us the opportunity to do very large projects in short periods of time, even if it is just a “slow-down”.

One caveat … the Christmas shut-down period is typically our busiest time in the entire year. If you are looking to do any work over this time frame, we advise you to book early

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WSIB # 46738373
HST # 3736392
Insurance Policy # 4000760633 $5,000,000 Co-Operators
  • Safety hardhat
  • Trained certified
  • Industry painter
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  • downtown Toronto
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